Chiropractic: Brain Octane
Feed Your Brain!
Well before brain-boosting ‘bulletproof’ coffee, nootropics and MCT oil became popular trends, Dr. Roger Sperry (a neurobiologist and Nobel award winner) had a staggering conclusion regarding human neurological performance. Through studies he and his team conducted throughout his career, their findings were able to determine that:
90% of stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine
Ninety percent! So it’s no surprise that when your spine isn’t functioning properly it has much farther-reaching effects than just back pain and stiffness – your brain literally depends on the movement of your spine to supply it with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
Sperry later went on to conclude that “the more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy available for thinking, metabolism and healing.”
Why It Matters
Recently, a 2017 study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine uncovered even more ways that a chiropractic adjustment stimulates your brain function by significantly increasing its rate of glucose metabolism. The same study also found that adjustments promoted relaxation of cervical muscle tension, decreased salivary amylase levels (suppression of sympathetic “fight/flight” nerve activity), and reduced pain levels.
You’re already smart by staying regular with your care but now science is proving that your care might make you literally smarter!
Next Steps
Use your brain… what would happen if more people in your life were not only pain-free but getting optimized nutrition and stimulation to their brain through healthy spinal movement? At Ascent Chiropractic we correct dysfunction in the spine using low-force chiropractic techniques combined with the best of physical therapy modalities to get results that are unmatched anywhere. If you’re in the Brookfield, Wauwatosa or New Berlin areas, we’d love to help. To make an appointment at Ascent Chiropractic, call 262-345-4166 or schedule an appointment with our online scheduling app.
Glucose Metabolic Changes in the Brain and Muscles of Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain Treated by Spinal Manipulation Therapy. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2017. Article ID 4345703.
Sperry, R. W. (1988) Roger Sperry’s brain research. Bulletin of The Theosophy Science Study Group 26(3-4), 27-28. Nerve Connections. Quart. Rev. Biol. 46, 198.