Working At A Desk Doesn’t Have To Be Painful! Follow These 7 Back Health Tips
Preventing Back Pain Working At A Desk
We’ve talked before on this blog about how long periods spent sitting can destroy your body by contributing to spinal degeneration, heart disease, and other health problems. But for many of our patients in Brookfield, Wauwatosa and New Berlin, sitting at desk for eight hours every day at work is unavoidable. The good news is that by utilizing the proper sitting posture you can minimize the damage done to your body. Not only that, but proper sitting posture can contribute to a better mood and energy, greater circulation, a taller, more confident appearance and overall better health.
1. Don’t Hunch Forward (Lean Back Instead)
Keep your shoulder blades pulled down and back and your buttocks at the back of your seat. When your pelvis is allowed to tilt forward, it puts extra stress on the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the low back, often leading to pain. In fact, studies have shown that leaning back at 135 degrees is the least stressful sitting position for your spine.
2. Use A Lumbar Support
If your chair has a lumbar support, make sure it is adjusted correctly so it puts slight pressure on the small of your back.
3. Protect Your Pelvis
Don’t cross your legs! Doing so puts the pelvis in a tilted position and will cause problems over time.
4. Keep Your Knees at 90 Degrees
Keep your knees bent at a 90 degree angle, approximately level with your hips. Your feet should sit flat on the floor. If necessary, use a foot rest to achieve the proper positioning.
5. Work at Eye Level
Position your computer monitor so the top of the screen is at eye level. Working at a computer that’s positioned too high or too low will cause neck and upper back issues over time. Use adequate lighting and avoid glare.
6. Keep Your Wrists Safe
Your wrists should be at a neutral position while typing, not angled up or down. A wrist support can help.
7. Take Breaks From Sitting
Take a break from sitting every half hour to stretch and move around. Even better, invest in a “convertible” desk that allows you to work from a standing position part of the day.
The Ascent Chiropractic Difference
At Ascent Chiropractic, we are dedicated to providing the most effective chiropractic care to our patients in Brookfield, Wauwatosa, New Berlin & surrounding areas. We focus on optimal performance and complete relief of symptoms by eliminating the structural problems that disrupt the nervous system, without the use of drugs or surgery. To make an appointment at Ascent Chiropractic, call 262-345-4166 or schedule an appointment with our online scheduling app.