Performance-Enhancing Adjustments? Chiropractic Care Makes You Stronger (Literally!)
You’re Stronger With Chiropractic Care.
Did you know that a chiropractic adjustment doesn’t just help reduce pain but actually makes you stronger? It’s not hyperbole – an extraordinary study released this month in the European Journal of Applied Physiology is one of the first to take a look at the role chiropractic plays as a performance enhancer for athletes.
The cutting-edge study, titled “The effects of a single session of spinal manipulation on strength and cortical drive in athletes”, specifically tested the power generated by the soleus muscle in a group of elite tae kwondo athletes before and after an adjustment. They found that an adjustment provided them with an increased maximum voluntary contraction for 30 minutes and an elevation of cortical spinal excitability for at least 60 minutes. According to the researchers, adjustments resulted in “improvement of neural adaptations such as the H-reflex and the V-wave which contributes to enhanced motor performance.”
That’s science-speak for more strength.
The study builds on research last year from Brain Sciences Journal in which researchers measured the electrical activity in the arms and legs of patients before, during and after a chiropractic adjustment. They saw a signifiant increase in cortical drive (and therefore greater muscle contraction) post-chiropractic adjustment.
Now, we know that a single Chiropractic adjustment doesn’t magically turn you into a world champion power lifter, but it’s exciting that we’re finally seeing hard evidence that proves chiropractic provides so much more benefit for athletes than just simply pain relief and improved range of motion.
It’s a big reason why chiropractors are more present in the pro sports world than ever before. Virtually every professional baseball, football, basketball and hockey team has a dedicated doctor of chiropractic on their medical team. In fact, there are a total of five chiropractors on staff just for the US delegation alone at the 2018 Winter Olympics! Elite athletes all understand the performance-enhancing benefits of chiropractic care.
Why it Matters
Stronger is better… better stamina, better balance, better coordination, better performance in every area of your life. What will you do with more strength?
Whether you’re a pro athlete or weekend warrior, study after study shows that regular chiropractic care is an essential part of reaching your full potential as an athlete. Ready to get stronger? To make an appointment at Ascent Chiropractic, call 262-345-4166 or schedule an appointment with our online scheduling app.
Haavik H. Impact of Spinal Manipulation on Cortical Drive to Upper and Lower Limb Muscles. Brain Sciences. 2016 Dec 23.
Christiansen TL. The effects of a single session of spinal manipulation on strength and cortical drive in athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2018 Jan 11.
Chiropractors offer so much help to athletes.
If you already are experiencing shoulder pain, try to avoid whatever actions cause the pain. You can also apply heat or cold, but not directly on the skin and only for 10-15 minutes at a time. Rotating between the two is best. If the pain continues, talk to a doctor about your options and if there’s a med you can take.
Osteopathic is real skill that takes time to master. Helps a lot in recovery of bone injuries.
Whenever you suffer from heel pain then take ample rest. If this pain is caused due to doing some specific work such as walking for a long distance, continuous standing etc, then just avoid giving strain to your feet. The more you rest the better and quicker are the chances of healing.
This is the first time I am hearing about someone getting stronger through chiropractic exercises. It can be an amazing for athletes who run for marathons or swimmers who have back-related problems. In this way, people can be able to prevent pain in the first place. Feeling fit and healthy is key to a successful career whether an athlete is a power lifter or an Olympian. It is an excellent read.
Wearing well-constructed sturdy shoes that are in good condition is helpful to those suffering from pain in the heel area. Make sure that you wear shoes that are appropriate for your activities, such as hiking, running or walking. Women should avoid wearing high heels, except on special occasions. Lose weight, since obesity can heighten stress on the feet.
I liked that you pointed out that a reason you should see a chiropractor is that they can help you build strength. It is good to know that getting an adjustment will help you improve your ability to build strength. That does seem like a good thing to know if you are struggling to build up muscles.