Introducing The Ascent Gym Fundamentals Workout Programs
Gym Fundamentals: Do You Have A Plan?
At Ascent Chiropractic, we’re serious about the belief that everyone can — and must — work out. Seriously, I’ll often literally give my patients a prescription for it and help them develop a lifting program specifically for what’s going on in their bodies.
For everyone else, I get it – it’s not as easy as just showing up at the gym, because what are you supposed to do once you get there? Today I’m removing that hurdle for everyone reading this newsletter, because six of the most popular, evidence-based, spine-and-extremity-safe workouts I give to patients are now available for free on our website.
Click here to download them now.
What These Workout Programs Are
The primary goal of these programs is to establish a solid strength base and spark some muscle hypertrophy with specifically selected foundational exercises. There are six separate 8-week programs, some geared more towards building strength and some geared more towards stimulating muscle growth.
The types of exercises included in each routine are very similar, meaning that all of them can be successful regardless of your experience level. In other words, you should see results running any routines in whatever order you see fit and according to your goals, schedule and your training preferences.
The programs are intended to provide variety, so that you can pick a routine that suits your needs best and, once you run through it, you have the option of switching to another program (or more) for 8 weeks each.
What These Workout Programs Aren’t
These programs are not intended to be an all-inclusive resource for all things training related. These are basic, one-size-fits-most programs I’ve developed to be further refined for my patients’ specific individual needs, meaning that there is plenty of individualized information I cover one-on-one in my office that won’t be covered here.
These programs aren’t intended to teach or instruct you on basic lifting technique and assumes you already have a basic understanding of how to perform the exercises included with proper form.
If there are any exercises you aren’t familiar or confident with, don’t do them without proper instrution! It also comes strongly recommended that you have a personal trainer or coach provide feedback on your technique for new movements.
Check With Your Doctor First!
Always speak with your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Working with a chiropractor ahead of time can help you plan the exercise program that’s right for you. And that’s a good first step on your path to physical fitness!
Ready to get back into working out and looking for a chiropractor? To make an appointment at Ascent Chiropractic, call 262-345-4166 or schedule an appointment with our online scheduling app.
I am happy that you helping people by providing these programs for free.
At least they will have a place to start from. I remember the first time I walked into the gym years ago.
I was clueless and ended up copying other people because I didn’t want to look like I was clueless.
Having a good, basic plan to start out with will do wonders for beginners.